How to make Matrix Effect with Notepad

Hello everyone once again, Today I gonna show you all another cool trick of notepad.
Today we gonna make " Matrix Effect " on notepad with FOUR simple steps, So let's make it happen.

Following are the steps..

1) Open Notepad ( Notepad.exe ) where-ever located.

2) Copy the whole extension ( Code ) given below and paste it on the notepad that you opened on the first step.

@echo off

color 02


echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%

goto start
3) Save this file ( Notepad file ) on desktop or where-ever you want with anything ending with the " .bat " extension, Like " Matrix.bat " or whatever you want it to be.

4) Open the file and enjoy the matrix effect....

                                           Stay tuned for more cool tricks and tips.
                                              Till then, take care, have a nice day.
How to make Matrix Effect with Notepad How to make Matrix Effect with Notepad Reviewed by Unknown on 23:02:00 Rating: 5

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