How to change Boot Animation Android [ Rooted Devices ]

Hello, Today I am going to share " How you can change your Android Boot Animation [ Root needed ] :- 

So, Let's make it happen. It's easy and just need some " Common Sense " . Here's the steps.

So, if you dislike your current boot animation or you’re simply bored of it, you can change it very easily.

Method 1:

1. In this method, you need a file manager with root explorer ability, so if you don’t have one, install one from the number of good options available on the Play Store.
2. In the file manager app on your Android device, go to System->Media, where you will find a file ““. Rename it to whatever you want.
3. Download a boot animation you like from the Android Themes XDA forum or from here. Once downloaded, rename the file to
change boot animation Android

4. Then, move the downloaded boot animation file to the System->Media folder. Then, restart your device and you will see the new boot animation instead of the older one.

That's all for today, Stay tuned for more,
Keep Sharing and keep visiting.
How to change Boot Animation Android [ Rooted Devices ] How to change Boot Animation Android [ Rooted Devices ] Reviewed by Unknown on 14:24:00 Rating: 5

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