How to find Vulnerable websites.

-- Finding " Vulnerable and Fresh " websites for SQL injection attacks/Deface are the hardest thing to find now-a-days, So I came up with a new method after many researches.

There's actually a way to find fresh webs that are vulnerable to those type of attacks or for practice.

This need only a bit of your mental presence and some knowledge.

So, Let's start...

1) First of all select a website [ it can be any random web.]

2) Now go to and copy the website you selected. Put the website in the box. [ Only put website like this, " " ] 

In my case I have slow internet connection that's why timing out again and again.
3) After some seconds [ depending on your Internet.] it will show the websites that are hosted on the same server with IP address.

4) After successfully getting the IP address of the server, Go to Bing and type " IP:123.456.789 .php?id= " .

5) You'll get plenty of websites by this, some of them may be relevant and old but this will help you alot. 

6) Now it's time to check every websites one by one and you can use any method to hack it, Use Havij or manual skills whatever suits you.

NOTE :-  After " IP: " in the step 4 ... Type the Server IP you'll get from the Link mention above.

Hope it'll work for you, I'll be posting some more methods in my few next posts.
Stay tuned, Happy Hacking...

How to find Vulnerable websites. How to find Vulnerable websites. Reviewed by Unknown on 09:15:00 Rating: 5

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